The AENEAS team gathered at the University of Manchester last week for its 4th all-hands meeting. In addition to the usual project updates and presentations on regional center activities beyond Europe, much of the meeting was dedicated to focused discussions that aimed to produce a plan forward that takes results from the various groups in projects and translates them into a comprehensive proposal for a technical and governance architecture for the European SKA regional center.

How does the assumption that the expected 1:3 ratio of SKA data product to higher level data products produced in by the global astronomy community affect the costs of a regional center?

Should SKA data from the observatory be split among the regional centers, or should some centers hold full copies?

How specific should the definition of a science gateway for the regional centers be?

These were some of the points discussed at the meeting.

Presentations are now available online at www.aeneas2020/project-presentations.

General information about the meeting is available at

The closing AENEAS meeting will take place in the fall of 2019.