Project Outputs
This page will be populated regularly with reports, presentations and other project documentation from the AENEAS project.
All AENEAS project outputs adhere to the Open Research Data Policy, which is part of the European Open Data Policy and are informed by the proposed data access policy of the SKA (see section 4.3 of the Concept of Operations document) . Please, review our Copyright Notice at the bottom of the page before using parts or whole documents from this website.
Animated map of the network of SKA Regional Centers
Map of potential nodes in the European Regional Center for the SKA
Survey of Astronomical Facilities
In October 2017, AENEAS approached the management of astronomical facilities in an attempt to gather information on the management organization of existing facilities, the capabilities and services they provide, the policies that are commonly applied, and the ways in which they support their users. The goal of this survey was to identify potential differences in the operations of current facilities and how future SKA regional centers should operate in order to handle the unprecedented data volumes as well as pinpoint successful management approaches that can be applied to the future European SKA regional center. You can view and download the full report on the survey data and a report on how it translates to a set of recommendations for the future European SKA regional center.
Survey of users of astronomy facilities
In Oct 2017, we conducted a survey among the users of astronomical facilities to find out the ways in which they interact with observatories and use their data archives. The survey responses ( a total of 201 users 75% of whom indicated that they work at a European organization) provide an important input to the design recommendations we will make for the European SKA regional center. A summary of key responses is shown below. You can also view and download the full report on the survey data and a report on how it translates to a set of recommendations for the future European SKA regional center.
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